A+ or EBC Optimization Guide

2024-08-09| Help Center|views(699)|Comments(0)

Using the EBC (Enhanced Brand Content) function (often called the "A+"), you can use different methods to describe product features, such as adding unique brand stories, enhanced images, and text introductions.

Compared with simple text descriptions, graphic descriptions can make your product pages richer and more beautiful, improve the visual effect of product descriptions, effectively help consumers deepen their understanding of text descriptions, quickly grasp the key points of the product, and thereby increase purchase conversion rates.



1. Avoid using special characters or symbols, such as ® or ™, except for special letters.

2. Check image resizing, resolution and other attributes according to template requirements.

3. Avoid spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. These errors can cause creation to fail.

4. Using banners can bring a better user experience.

5. Comparison charts are a great way to highlight a product’s unique features.

6. There should not be too many words.


(EBC) Video Requirements

Amazon has the right to refuse sellers to upload videos with poor content, sound effects, and resolution. Amazon requires that videos without product reviews, off-Amazon website URLs, inappropriate content, time hints (such as limited-time discounts), or price discounts, etc.

Correct video file formats: 3GP, AAC, AVI, FLV, MOV, MP4 and MPEG-2.

Thumbnail aspect ratio: 16:9, recommended minimum width is 1920 px, in JPEG or PNG format.

Metadata: The video title can be up to 100 characters, the video introduction can be up to 400 characters, and the video type and related product ASIN need to be provided.


Tips for creating high-quality EBC 

1. Tell the brand story

Guide customers to understand the brand history, brand values and brand uniqueness. Sellers can use some banner images to display product applications, focus on the brand logo and add EBC to all product descriptions to create a continuous brand experience for customers, thereby increasing brand awareness and cultivating brand loyalty. Brand-aware customers are likely to repeat purchases of other products from the brand.



2. Fully display product selling points


Supplement or explain product details through text or data to let your customers fully understand your products. When sellers make supplements, they should use words that are customer-friendly and helpful, rather than talking in general terms using some sales jargon. Brand series products can also effectively use comparison charts to clearly explain the selling points of each product while attracting traffic to products in the same series.


3. Understand buyers’ purchasing concerns


Understand your customers from existing data (including product reviews, returns and exchanges, customer service communications, etc.) and focus on explaining some of the common questions and concerns of customers in EBC to reduce product return rates and negative reviews.


4. Use high-quality images


High-resolution pictures that highlight product features or high-definition pictures with product usage scenarios are closely related to increasing sales. Customers will use this content to learn more about the product. If we are going to add branded text to an image, the first thing to make sure is that the text is large enough so that it can be read clearly on a mobile device.


5. Create your page efficiently


The A+ content module offers over 100 graphic and text combinations, including text boxes with special shadows and special forms. So we can use these to convey information while maximizing the use of space. Before adding content, we'll explore the available modules and create a story template. In addition, it should be noted that it is best to embed text in the text box of the image, which can optimize search and improve conversions.


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