Quick View-Global Brand Database

2024-08-09| Help Center|views(3401)|Comments(0)


Hoping your brand breaks ground overseas, then trademark registration is essential. Generally speaking, before registering a trademark, you need to make the following preparations (take US trademark registration as an example):
(1) Select the trademark category: 
First, you need to know the category of your trademark in order to better determine whether there is a brand that can be registered.
(2) Search for trademark:
Check the U.S. trademark database to see if the same trademark has been registered to avoid conflicts with other trademarks.
(3) Prepare application materials:
Trademark pictures, Description, Applicant information, etc.
SellerSprite's feature, Global Brand Database, provides cross-border sellers with a global trademark search platform, based on data from the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) trademark library.
By entering the brand name, owner, and registration number for inquery, you can quickly and accurately understand the status of your own or other people's trademarks, which helps to discover and resolve potential trademark disputes and avoid losses due to infringement.
Here is a demonstration of how to use this function:

  1. Select the data range of the trademark you want to query, that is, the particularly registration country.


  2. Enter the brand name or owner, registration number, and click "Search". By default, search will be done by text:

    You can also choose to search through images.
    After uploading the image, the system will automatically recognize the text in the image and then inquire:


  3. If the query data is too much, or the data range is not selected before the query, you can filter the query results through the current status, nice class, application date and other conditions, to quickly and accurately find the data you want to query.


  4. The search results are sorted in descending order according to relevance by default, and you can also choose to sort according to the launch time.


  5. Click the trademark picture, trademark name or the [Trademark Details] button on the right, you can jump to the details page to view specific information.

    And you can download trademark info as PDF:


  6. If you consider a trademark that requires special attention, you can add it to your favorites with one click at any time, or select multiple trademarks and add them for later analysis. 


  7. Query results supported can be exported as Excel, and it is recommended to filter the results before exporting, and then export out accurate results. 


📌Kind reminder:

The trademark search results are for reference only and do not serve as the legal basis for trademark registration. For specific information, please refer to the official website of the Trademark Office.

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