FAQ for Keyword Tracker Tool

2018-12-14| Help Center|views(3382)|Comments(1)

Which market place on Amazon does this tool support?

It supports American, Japan, German, England, France, Canada.
The Italy and Spain station will be on gradually, other requirements, please contact our customer service.

Is keyword tracker tool free?

Free plan member can track 10 keywords.
Are there any limitations for this tool?
Up to 50 keywords of each ASIN can be tracked, it’s recommended to deleting the invalid and unimportant keywords;
Only the keywords in first 20 pages of search results can be tracked (Ranking top 300).

Why does the keywords added not updated?

It takes three minutes to see the ranking.
The ranking updated each 24 hours, the changes of ranking can be seen when the keyword are tracked more than two days.  
The keywords beyond first 20 pages can’t be tracked.

Does this tool track the ranking of keyword or ASIN?

It tracks the keyword natural ranking of the ASIN.
Tracking principle: Searching the keyword under All Department (The Amazon default category), finding the target ASIN position of the search result, for example, the 4th on page 2 which means it ranks the 20th.
All department (The Amazon default category) accounts for the 60%-80% of the keyword total traffic. So it can reflect the search authority of the keyword.
If you want to see the traffic of the keyword under different categories, it’s suggested to purchase ASIN report or use the Keyword Research tool.

Can it track all the variants of one listing at a time?

No, it can’t at present. You can add the variants in bulk.

What does the page mean in this tool?

For example, you are tracking ASIN B0754HMDSZ, one of its keyword “sunrise alarm clock” ranks the 20th, which is the 4th on page 2. Because there are 16 positions for listing on each search result page, so the 20th is 16+4, it is on the page 2.

Why the ranking on system is different from what I search on Amazon platform?

It’s the effect of the Amazon technology – different people see the different result when searching the same keyword, it influenced by the history purchase record, browse record, and the IP address.
Our tracking tool is absolutely neutral and object, every search on the keyword is from different browser and IP.

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