Targeted ASIN URL

2024-08-09| Guide|views(1743)|Comments(0)

💡Targeted ASIN  URL: click to go

SellerSprite has the feature to create a URL that contains only required ASINs


🌞Create Target ASIN URL

That is, to generate a link containing multiple specified products, you can put all competing ASINs on the same Amazon page for comparison and analysis, use this link to conduct market analysis, competitor analysis, save time and effort, the results are more accurate.


When you are doing competitor analysis, it is inevitable that you will encounter some relatively different products not so matching competitors. For example, you want to analyze a desktop cell phone stand, but when you analyze the BSR Top 100 products in the category of Cell Phone Stands, you find that this category also contains a floor model cell phone stand and a shower cell phone stand.

Then, if the BSR TOP100 products in this category are directly used for competitor analysis or market analysis, due to the different use scenarios of some of the products, the analysis results will be not much accurate, and the reference significance will be low.



This is example of different products


Batch analysis of competitors

1. collect competitors ASIN

Before we analyze the competitors, we need to collect the ASIN of the competitors, for example, find the same product in the search result page of the core keywords or the sub category page, and add them My List.



2. Another way is  to create My Product List firstly. Lets run chrome extension and create My Product List then ultimately create Target ASIN URL 

Firstly select products as below on image and then create My List.



Then switch to My List from chrome extension 



From here Sellers can select any ASIN they want and click URL Builder



Now our URL is ready.  It could either Copy or just click Open to go to see on next window. 



Now we see only product we created through URL Builder. There is not Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brand ads, Editorial recommendation etc.. So it makes our job easy and we can analyze further, then would get more accurate result. 



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