The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research for Amazon Sellers



In the sprawling landscape of e-commerce, Amazon stands as an undisputed titan, offering an endless array of products and opportunities. However, succeeding on this mammoth platform entails more than just listing products; it hinges on the ability to unearth and thrive within the perfect niche market. And the gateway to this transformative journey? Amazon Keywords.

What are Amazon Keywords?

Amazon Keywords are not just strings of text; they are the secret keys to unlocking hidden niche markets within the vast realm of e-commerce. These user-defined terms, exemplified by phrases like "headphones for kids," are far more than just words. They encapsulate specific product searches and, over time, possess the remarkable ability to shape and define entire markets. Essentially, they serve as the foundation upon which niche markets are constructed.

Why are Amazon Keywords Crucial?

The secret of Amazon sellers' success lies in understanding the immense power of Amazon Keywords. When a single keyword sees a continuous surge in user searches, it gradually molds itself into a thriving market. Keywords, therefore, hold the key to niche markets, guiding sellers toward products that truly resonate with their target audience.

Every product belongs to one or more niche markets, and these markets can be further divided based on attributes, demographics, and use senarios. Take "power banks" as an example. Depending on scenarios like daily use, travel, or outdoor adventures, you can find power banks with 5000mAh, 10000mAh, or 20000mAh capacities. It's unlikely a young woman would carry a 20000mAh power bank in her purse due to its weight. Here, keywords guide us to specific market segments.

The Keypoints of Amazon Keyword Research in SellerSprite

To embark on a successful journey of discovering and conquering niche markets using Amazon Keywords, and here are some key points when you use Keyword Reseach tool in SellerSprite to find niche market:

  1.  Leverage Search Volume: Search volume directly mirrors the demand within a market. It provides insights into the market's size and growth potential. However, it's essential to remember that a single keyword may not encapsulate the entirety of a niche market's demand. To address this limitation, Keyword Mining, a feature found within SellerSprite, can be employed to uncover similar sub-niche markets that share a comparable target audience. 

  2.  Understand Number of Product Listings: The number of products available in a market serves as an indicator of supply. While it used to be a straightforward metric, the ever-evolving algorithms of Amazon have made this data less reliable. It's crucial to acknowledge that product numbers can vary across different regions, making a thorough understanding of this metric imperative.

  3.  Analyze Search Trends: Search trends provide valuable insights into a market's lifecycle, seasonality, and the impact of holidays and special events. This information is indispensable when selecting products that align with current market dynamics.

  4. Choose the Right Product Category: Categories play a pivotal role on Amazon. Diverse sellers may categorize similar products differently based on various factors, including usage scenarios and demographics. These categorization choices influence product visibility and competitiveness, making category selection a strategic decision.

  5. Add Relevant Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords, such as "led" or "kids," into your product selection can significantly refine your choices. When combined with other criteria, such as recent growth rates, these keywords can be powerful tools for narrowing down your niche.

  6.  Assess PPC Bids: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) bids within the same market offer insights into market competitiveness. By analyzing these prices, you can identify markets where you can effectively compete.

  7.  Measure Traffic Cost: This is a proprietary indicator from SellerSprite, representing the cost of traffic for products with the same sales value. A lower Traffic Cost indicates lower competition and the potential for unexplored blue ocean markets.

  8. Examine Click Concentration: Identifying top-performing ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) within a search result page provides valuable insights into market dynamics and the competitive landscape. Understanding which products attract the most clicks can guide your strategy.

Case Analysis: Harness the Power of SellerSprite Keyword Research

After understanding these indicators, we can combine them with the seller's actual scenario for product selection. And SellerSprite has provided some pre-set filters for your different needs.

1. For sellers with strong resources:

In terms of product selection dimensions, they will prioritize markets with search volumes greater than a certain threshold, e.g., search volume for electronics = 200,000 or pets = 50,000. For small to medium-sized sellers, they may choose markets with even lower search volumes, e.g., pets with search volumes between 10,000 and 50,000.

For these sellers, they can choose the "High Demand" filter and we can see the search volume would be filled in at least 100,000 and search growth rate, at least 10%. Let's take the United States market in August, 2023 as an example:

2. For sellers seeking new potential markets:

They will prioritize two dimensions in product selection:

  • Search volume continuously growing (search volume growth rate exceeding 10% or even 15% in the last three months). However, we should note that sudden increases in the current month may only be due to traditional seasonal products.
  • Markets that have only appeared this year (search volume = 0 last year).

3. For sellers focusing on a specific niche or category:

For example, if they specialize in outdoor sports products, they will prioritize the "Sports & Outdoors" category. If they focus on children's products, the product selection criteria will usually include keywords like "kids."

4. For sellers who are particularly concerned about competition:

Competition is an indication of market maturity. Generally, blue ocean markets have less competition, indicating they are in the early stages of development. In this case, sorting or filtering by click monopoly rate or traffic cost can help identify keyword markets with the least competition.


Amazon Keywords are the compass guiding you toward the discovery and success of niche markets. By leveraging these insights, you embark on a data-driven Amzon seller journey, unveiling untapped opportunities and refining your e-commerce strategy for triumph on the world's largest online marketplace. Understanding the power of Amazon Keywords is not just an option—it's the cornerstone of Amazon success, paving the way for your products to shine brightly amid the e-commerce constellation.

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